It is easier to establish the value of a material asset since there are several methodologies to conduct an appraisal: its weight, measures, materials, among other characteristics, nevertheless, appraising intangibles is a complex process.

The most common question in our practice is “How much is a trademark worth?”. Opinions are heard regarding the most expensive trademarks worldwide and the millionaire figures they are worth, but, how did they come up with that figure? What is the criteria considered at the time of the appraisal? Who knows how to evaluate an intangible?.

ROMO DE VIVAR V.IP has gathered a group of professionals which include accountants, economists, marketing specialists, engineers, prospective specialists and other experts, in order to appraise the value of an intangible according to its nature.

Now-a-days, the application of these mechanisms is still surprising us. From knowing the sale price of an intangible or determine the amount of royalties up to obtaining credits or encumbrances.

The most common question in our practice is “How much is a trademark worth?”.